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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Monera Kingdom, Bacteria

Monera Kingdom:

  • Unicellular.
  • Prokaryotic.
  • Contain 70S Ribosome.
  • DNA is not bounded by nuclear membrane.
  • Lack of organelles mitochondria, lysosomes, plastids, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, centrosome, etc.
  • Eg:- Bacteria, Blue green algae (Cynobacteria).


  • Invented by => Antony van Leeuwenhock (In1683).
  • Father of bacteriology => Antony van Leeuwenhock.
  • Name bacteria was given by => Aranberge (In 1829).
  • This is a prokaryotic cell & kept under Monera kingdom.
  • In 1881 Robert Coach detected & separated bacteria of anthrax & tuberculosis.
  • Chlorophyll & Mitochondria are absent & respiratory activities done by misosomes.
  • Cell wall is made up of Phospholipid.
  • Shapes of bacteria:

    • Cocci/Coccus:

      Bacteria are spherical or oval in shape.
    • Bacilli:

      These are rod-shaped bacteria with or without flagella.
    • Vibrio:

      These are comma or kidney-shaped small bacteria with flagella at one end.
    • Spirillum:

      These are spiral or coiled shaped. They are rigid forms due to the spiral structure and bear flagella at one or both the ends.

Shapes of Bacteria

  • Louis pasteur had invented following:
    • Inoculation of the rabies.
    • Pasteurization of the milk
  • Pasteurization of the milk is done by two processes:
    • Low Temperature Long Time Process(LTLTP): In this milk is heated at 63°C up to 15 Sec. & quickly cooled down due to which bacteria die & thus milk remain fresh.
    • High Temperature Short Time Process(HTSTP): In this milk is heated at 72°C up to 30 min. & quickly cooled down due to which bacteria die & thus milk remain fresh.

  • Nutrition:

    Either Heterotrophic or Autotrophic
  • Heterotrophic: 

    • Bacteria depends on other organism for their foods are heterotrophic bacteria.
    • Heterotrophic bacteria are of three types.
    • Saprophytes: bacteria which gain their food from the dead plant and animal bodies or dung & other waste products of organism are called saprophytes. Eg:- Lactobacillus, Acetobactor.
    • Parasitic: Bacteria which obtain their food directly from the tissue of living plants and animals are called parasitic bacteria. Eg:- Pathogens.
    • Symbiotic: Bacteria which obtain their food by living in the body of organisms are called symbiotic bacteria. Eg:- Rizobium.
  • Autotrophic:

    • Some bacteria are prepare their food from simple inorganic substance water, CO2 etc are called autotrophic bacteria.
    • Autotrophic bacteria are of two types.
    • Photo synthetic: Bacteria which prepare their food in the presence of light energy are called photosynthetic bacteria. Eg:- Chromatinum, Rhodospirillum.
    • Chemo synthetic:  Bacteria which prepare their food by oxidizing various chemical compound are called chemosynthetic bacteria. Eg:- Nitromonus, Nitrovector, Hydrogenomonus.

  • Reproduction:

  • Asexual Reproduction:

    • Most bacteria are reproduce by Binary Fission.
    • Asexual reproduction in bacteria are done by conidia & endspore.
  • Sexual Reproduction:

    • It has three types.
    • Conjugation: Two cells fuse & transfer of DNA takes place.
    • Transdution: DNA is replaced by virus & this replaced DNA is fused with DNA of other bacteria.
    • Transformation: Genetic profile of DNA is replaced by absorbing DNA from external medium.

  • Some Important Points:

    • The blue green algae are called as cynobacteria.
    • blue green algae prepare their food by photosynthesis.
    • Lichen is a microorganism which co-exist between Cynobacteria & Fungi. & it is the example of symbiotic form. here fungi absorb water & provide to cynobacteria, which prepare food for both Fungi & Lichen.

    <Biology Index> 


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