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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Cell Division

  • Firstly observed by Flemming (in 1882).
  • Hence Flemming is known as Father of Cell division.
  • According to theory of cell division old cells splits into new cells & formation of new cell is called Cell division.
  • This process is also called as Cell production.

Stages of Cell division, Mitosis

  • Types of cell division:
    • Amitosis
    • Mitosis
    • Meiosis

  • Amitosis:

    • This is takes place in less developed (Prokaryotic) cell of unicellular organisms.
    • In this division First nucleus of cell is divided and later cytoplasm is divided and two new cells are formed.
    • This type of cell division takes place in Bacteria, Blue Green algae, Yeast, Amoeba, Protozoa etc.

  • Mitosis:

    • It is also called as somatic cell division.
    • In such type of cell division two identical cells are produced.
    • In mitosis cell is divide but the number of chromosome remains same and mitosis is a continuous process.
    • In mitosis various phases are occurs- Karyokinesis{Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase} & Cytokinesis and cell divides itself stage by stage.

             A) Prophase:

    • In animal cell & fungi centriole duplicates itself & move to the opposite end of cell & spindle fiber develop on each centrioles.
    • In plant cells spindle fiber develop without presence of centrioles.
    • The chromosome which are already duplicated become shorten & thicken.
    • Duplicated chromatides of each chromosome held together by centromere.
    • The nucleus & nuclear membrane begin to disintegrated in late prophase.

             B) Metaphase:

    • Nuclear membrane disappear completly.
    • The pairs of chromosome align themselves in such a way that the center of cell and each centromere becomes attached to one spindle fiber from each pole.
    • The centromere divides & separate chromatides becomes independent daughter chromosome.

             C) Anaphase: 

    • The daughter chromosome move apart from each other & migrate to opposite poles.
    • Spindle fiber becomes shorter.
             D) Telophase:

    • Daughter chromosome reach the poles, now spindle fiber totally disappear.
    • Nuclear membrane forms around each new group of chromosome.    
              E) Cytokinesis:

    • After the division of nucleus, the cytoplasm start to divide.
    • Cytokinesis is the division of the cell's cytoplasm.
    • At the end of cytokinesis, two genetically identical daughter cells are produced.


  • Meiosis:

    • The process of meiosis occurs in reproductive cell.
    • Thus gametes are produced with half number of chromosome normally found tn body cells.
    • Meiosis results in the reduction of number of chromosome in daughter cell by half so it is called as Reduction division.
    • This process brings stability in the number of chromosome in an organism, thus haploid gametes fuses & produce diploid zygote.
    • It has two stages:

             A) Meiosis I:

    • In this stage number of chromosome is reduced to half so the diploid nucleus gives rise to two haploid ones.

              B) Meiosis II:

    • In this stage the haploid nuclei divide mitotically to produce four haploid daughter nuclei.

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