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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Chromosome, DNA, RNA


  • Chromosome name was given by => Waldeyer (in 1888)
  • Chromosome is thread like structure found in nucleus.
  • Chromosomes are basic constituents of genetic substance Chromatin.
  • During Cell division Chromatin breaks into pieces and form Chromosome.
  • Each Chromosome is made up of two Chromatids, which joint together at a point called centromere.
  • On Chromosome various genes are located.
  • Gene is the functional unit of DNA, made by segment of DNA.
  • Characteristics which transmit from generation to generation is transported by Genes and these genes are carried out by Chromosome.
  • Thus Chromosome are called as Vehicle of Heredity.

Number of Chromosome in different organism:




 Pigeon  40  80
 Chimpanzee   24  48
 Cat  19  38 
 Onion  8  16     
 Dog  39  78
 Human  23  46
 Frog  13  26
 Pea  7  14
 Horse  32  64
 Wheat  21  42
 Tomato  12  24
 Ascaris  1  2
 Housefly  6  12
 Mosquito  3  6
 Monkey  21  42
 Tobacco  24  48

  • One set of Chromosome (Haploid) is called Genome.
  • Two sets of Chromosome (Diploid) found in somatic cells.

DNA: (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid)

  • First who isolated DNA from nucleus of pus cells => Friedrich Miescher (in 1869).
  • DNA is Polynucleotids.
  • Almost all amount of DNA is present in nucleus of cell but very small amount also present in Mitochondria and Green Plastids.
  • In 1953 Watson and Crick gives double helix model of DNA, each helix has a diameter of nearly 20Å.
  • DNA is macro molecule in which large number of nucleotides are present.
  • These nucleotides has three components.
    • Nitrogen base
    • Sugar
    • Phosphate group.

  • Nitrogen  base of double helix form a pair with the help of hydrogen bonds.
  • Adenine pairs with Thymine (A = T).
  • Guanine pairs with Cytosine (G = C).
  • Adenine and Thymine are complementary to each other. 
  • Guanine and Cytosine are complementary to each other.
  • Hydrogen bond between nitrogen base holds two strands together.
Function of DNA:
  • It contain genetic information in coded form.
  • DNA synthesis RNA.

RNA: (Ribo Nucleic Acid)

  • It is a single standard nucleic acid but in some virus it has double standard structure like in Retrovirus.
  • Main function of RNA is to assist Protein synthesis but in some plant and virus it acts like carrier of genetic substance.
  • Thus in viruses genetic substances are either DNA or RNA but not both.
  • RNA is made up of Phosphate, Ribose sugar and Nitrogen base.
  • RNA is found in nucleus as well as cytoplasm.

RNA is of three types:
  1. Messenger RNA (mRNA):
    • It carries the information of protein synthesis from DNA of the nucleus to Ribosome in coded form.
    • It is 3-5% of all RNA.
    • It also help in selecting amino acids.
  2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA):
    • It is attached on Ribosome and helps in protein synthesis.
    • It forms from DNA in the nucleus of the cell.
    • It is nearly 80% of total RNA.
  3. Transfer RNA (tRNA):
    • It is a carrier of amino acid and transfer it to Ribosome where protein in formed.
    • It is 10-15% of total RNA.
    • It is smallest among all.
    • It has two dimensional structure like clove leaf.

Some Important Points:
  • Transcription: Formation process of RNA from DNA is called Transcription.
  • Reverse Transcription: Formation process of DNA from RNA is called Reverse Transcription.
  • Translation: Last process of protein synthesis is called Translation.
  • Duplication/Replication: Formation process of DNA from DNA is called Duplication/Replication.

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