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Sunday, July 5, 2020


  • Study of Cell is called as Cytology
  • "Cell is known as basic structural and functional unit of all Organisms or Living beings (Life) "
  • human body exists nearly 10 /\ 14 (10 to power 14) Cells.
  • Cell was Invented by => Robert Hook (in 1665) {He was discovered dead cell in Bark of Cork}
  • Cell has been made from a life saving substance called as Protoplasm {Protoplasm is the physical base of the life and in Protoplasm nearly 80% water is found}
  • Protoplasm was discovered by => J. E. Purkinje (in 1939)
  • Protoplasm is also of two types- 
    • Nucleoplasm - (Present inside the nucleus)
    • Cytoplasm - (Present between nucleus and cell membrane)

Cell Theory:

  • Cell theory was given by Schelder and Schwann (in 1838-39)
  • Important points regarding cell theory:
    1. Every organisms originates from a cell.
    2. Each cell arises from preexisting cell.
    3. Cell is self independent unit, it takes part in metabolic activities.
    4. Core of the cell is nucleus

Some Important Points
* Smallest Cell => Mycoplasma gallisepticum
* Largest  Cell => Egg of Ostrich (Weight - 1250 gm)
* Longest Cell => Nerve Cell (Length up to 1 m)\
* Biggest single cell organism => Acetabularia


Protista Kingdom

Eukaryotic Unicellular Aquatic Eg: Amoeba, Plasmodium, Euglina, Paramecium Nutrition: Autotrophic => Euglina &...