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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Cell Structure and it's Functions

Cell have various type of structures like cylindrical, elliptical, spherical, transverse etc.

Cell Components:

1) Cell membrane:

  • It is also called as Plasma membrane.
  • It is the outermost layer of the cell.
  • It is semipermeable membrane.
  • In plant cell it is found within cell wall.
  • It is made up of phospholipid molecules.
  • Control the molecular activities between cell and it's other medium which interacts with cell. 

2) Cell Wall:

  • Only present in Plant cell.
  • it is made up of non living substance
  • Cell wall of algae and plants are made up of Cellulose.
  • Cell wall of fungi and bacteria are made up of Carbohydrates.
  • Cell Wall of fungi is made up of => Chitin
  •  Cell wall of bacteria is made up of => Peptidoglycan
  • It protect nucleoplasm and cell membrane from external attack.

3) Protoplasm:

  • Name was given by Purkinje (in 1839).
  • Whole fluid present inside plasma membrane is Protoplasm.
  • It is made up of water, ions, salt and organic molecules
  • It is a living part of cell.
  • It is divided into two parts
    • Cytoplasm: Present between nuclear membrane and cell membrane.
    • Nucleoplasm: Present inside nuclear membrane.

4) Mitochondria:

  • It was discovered by => Altman and Benda (in 1886).
  • Altman called it Bioplast and Benda called it Mitochondria.
  • It's shape is cylindrical having Diameter (0.2 -1  micrometer) and Length (1 - 1.4 micrometer).
  • It surrounded by double membrane(outer and inner membrane).
  • Outer membrane is oily and smooth.
  • Inner membrane has many folds called cristae (in plant cell it is called tubuli) and inner compartment where fluid is present called matrix.
  • Function: 
  • It is a site of aerobic respiration and they produce cellular energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate).
  • Hence Mitochondria is called as Power house of cell 

5) Golgi Bodies: 

  • It was discovered by => Camillo Golgi (in 1898).
  • It is also called as Golgi apparatus.
  • It is made up of group of tubes and vesicles.
  • In plant it is more in number and here it is known as Dictyosomes.
  • It work as storage, processing and packaging of material and packages are brought to their destination, hence Golgi apparatus is called as traffic controller of cellular molecules
  •  It is also involved in synthesis of cell wall, plasma membrane and lysosome.
  • It help in the synthesis of carbohydrate from simple sugar which combine with Protein made by Ribosome forming Glycoprotein

6) Endoplasmic Reticulum:

  • It was invented by => Porter (in 1945).
  • It membranous network of tubules like structure found in cytoplasm is called Endoplasmic Reticulum.
  • It is of two types:
    • Rough walled ER: At it ribosome is to be found and it is help in protein synthesis.
    • Smooth walled ER: At it ribosome is absent and it is responsible for lipid secretion. In animal cell lipid like steroidal hormones are synthesized by smooth walled ER.

7) Ribosome:

  • It was discovered by => G. E. Palade (in 1955).
  • It was firstly seen by Calede (in 1941) and called microsome, later it is called ribosome by Palade.
  • Diameter of it varies from 150 Å to 250 Å.
  • Chemically it is composed of RNA and Protein.
  • Eukaryotic ribosomes are 80S  while Prokaryotic ribosomes are 70S. (Here S=> Svedberg Coefficient)
  • It's main function to synthesize the protein, hence Ribosome is called as Factory of Protein

8) Lysosome: 

  • It was discovered by => De Duve.
  • It contain hydrolytic enzyme, which is able to digest every organic substance.
  • It help in intracellular digestion that's why Lysosome is called Digestive Vesicle.
  • Lysosome is not found in RBC of mammal.
  • It destroy every foreign substance like bacteria etc. inside the cell.
  • It replaces old and weak cell organelles, so that new cell organelles originates inside cell.
  • If there is need it destroy entire damaged or dead cell, also it destroy itself, hence Lysosome is called as suicide bag of cell.

9) Centrosome:

  • It was discovered by => Boveri (in 1888).
  • It is only found in animal cell.
  • It is not bounded by membrane, it consist of two Centriole.
  • Sometimes it is called as diplosome.
  • It help in the cell division and it form spindle fiber between pole during cell division.  

10) Plastid:

  •  It is only found in plant cell.
  • It's shape is like mitochondria, it has two membrane.
  • It is of three types a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast c) Leucoplast.
a) Chloroplast:
  • Found in green colored plant.
  • Made up from green colored substance called as Chlorophyll (In Chlorophyll Mg metal is present).
  •  By the help of chlorophyll Photosynthesis is done in the presence of sunlight by the plant and trees, thus Chlorophyll is called as Kitchen of the cell.
  • Chloroplast is bounded by two membrane having grana and stroma.
  •  Grana => It contain chlorophyll molecule and it is a site of light reaction.
  •  Stroma => It contain photosynthetic enzyme and it is a site of dark reaction.
  • Chloroplast also contain pigments like genthophyll and carotene.
  •  The leaf of plant becomes yellow because of formation of carotene.
  • Chloroplast also contain double standered  circular DNA molecule and ribosome.
  • ribosome in chloroplast is smaller (70S) than cytoplasmic ribosome (80S).
 b) Chromoplast:
  • It is colored plastid usually red, yellow or orange color.
  • It is found in colored part of plant like flower, fruit, seeds etc.
  • Chloroplast are of different kind
    1.  Lycopene: In tomato it provide red color.
    2. Carotene: Provide yellow or orange color in plant eg:- Carrot
    3. Betanin: Found in sugar beet root.
 c) Leucoplast:
  • It is colorless plastid.
  • It store food in the form of starch, fat and protein.
  • It is found in roots and underground stems.
  • Amyloplast store starch.
  • Elaioplast store oil & fats.
  • Aleuroplast store protein.

11) Vacuole:

  • It is surrounded by semipermeable membrane called as Tonoplast.
  • It contains water, sap, excretory product and other material not useful for the cell, means it contain dead organelles of cell.
  • In plant it is longer in size & in animal it is smaller in size.
  • It help in osmoregulation & it store toxic metabolic waste.

12) Nucleus:

  • It was invented by => Robert Brown (in 1831).
  • It is spherical or elliptical.
  • It is centrally located major structure found in cell, in plant cell it is shifted towards periphery.
  • It control all activity of cell, hence it is called Control Room of cell.
  • Components of nucleus:
a) Nuclear membrane:
  • It is a double layered membrane.
  • It is connected with ER.
  • It is made up of protein & fat.
  • It has small holes through which cytoplasm & nucleoplasm exchange in cell.
b) Nucleoplasm:
  • It is made up from protein, phosphorous & nucleic acid.
  • Within nucleoplasm nucleolus and chromatin material is found.
 c) Nucleolus:
  • Nucleolus is rich in protein & RNA.
  • It synthesize r-RNA & transport it to other place.
  • It collect ribosome inside it. 
 d) Chromatin:
  • Chromatin is thin thread like structure forming network.
  • It is made up of histone protein, DNA & RNA.
  • DNA is main component of chromatin which causes genetic character in organism.
  • During cell division chromatin breaks into pieces & form Chromosome



Unknown said...

Please provide pdf of this...

Ashish said...


Ashish said...

Sir maths ke problems bhi solve karake upload kijiye.......

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